
Friday, 12 July 2013

Craftsmasters of Yixing

In October 1958 Yixing Zisha Factory No. 1 was established by the government. Before that there was no proper ranking of the craftsmen working in Yixing. Potters would mine, mix and cure their own zisha clay to make zisha ware such as teapots, cups, vases and figurines. After the setting up of the Yixing Zisha Factory, the craftsmen in the factory were organized and ranked according to a set standard. New craftsmen were required to take courses and examinations to advance and be recognized. It takes about three years of training to advance through the following titles: carftsman, assistant carftmaster , craftmaster, senior carftmaster and finally national carftmaster. At every stage there was an examination. Initially the teapots were very creative and diverse in designs and the artists gained national and international recognition. But, this would change with the Cultural Revolution a movement which frowned on bourgeois luxuries such as artisan crafted teapots that costed far more than any common person could afford.

Starting in 1966, because of the Cultural Revolution, Factory No. 1 began to turn out plain utilitarian pot in a style known as shui ping hu in vast numbers. Instead of having the name of the master who made the pot on the bottom these pots have only characters that represent the location of manufacture: Yixing, China. During this time the walls of the factory were filled with slogans painted in red that insisted that art was for the people. The quality of these pots was much worse than before the revolution. Despite this many tea connoisseurs prize these pots for their simplicity and high quality clay.

With the end of the Cultural Revolution New Ranks for craftsmen were subsequently introduced in the 1970s, which consist of the following: 1) Technician 2) Craftsman 3) Craftsman – independent porters 4) Asst. Craftsmaster 5) Craftsmaster 6) Senior Craftsmaster 7) Provincial Grandmaster 8) National Grandmaster.

Today, teapots produced by the factory are diverse and highly creative; masters have resumed signing their work and their creations are in high demand. A Craftsmaster can keep customers waiting for up to two years for a commissioned pot.
Zhu Kexin's earlier work
Prof Pan Chunfang, 2nd generation craftsmaster
Prof Pan's teapot set
The seals used by Zhu Kexin
One of the founders and Deputy Director of Research and Technology at the factory Gu Jingzhou was also an accomplished master artist. Gu was the first master in Yixing to be awarded the National Grandmaster title. His teapots have sold for millions of dollars in auctions. Jiang Rong was another  Grandmaster at Factory No. 1, she created teapots that emulated nature. Ren Ganting (1889-1968) ambidextrous artist who created natural forms. He participated in the National Labor Heroes Convention. Pei Shimin (1892-1979) started making teapots at age 14. Zhu Kexin (1904-1986) began making teapots before the war. Together with Gu Jingzhou, they worked in the Jiangsu factory where they trained the second generation of teapot craftsmasters who in turn trained the 3rd and 4th genartions potters of Yixing.

Gu Jingzhou's teapot auctioned for 14.9 million Yuans


Gu's pot auctioned for 8.28 million yuans


朱可心大师受人敬仰的还有他的一生清风,淡薄名利。即使是到了晚年,依然清贫甘苦、勤俭朴实、不受利诱 、保持晚节。进入上世纪80年代,随着改革开放,紫砂艺术品首先在港台地区受到青睐。朱可心作为当代制壶巨匠、花货素饰器一代宗师,自然也成了港台紫砂市场中令人注目的追逐对象。朱可心大师本来对自己的作品就极为严谨,早先的作品也已基本捐献给了博物馆。加上由于身体的原因,已到晚年的他就更少有作品流到市场。一些商人为了渔利,百般纠缠,欲用朱可心大师的印章制假,而他秉持磊落的品行不为金钱而折腰,到自己已无力做壶时让家人当面将印章全部销毁。这在紫砂市场中假冒、代工等现象时有耳闻的当今社会是尤为值得人们敬仰的风范。

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